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Safer, faster and easier for everyone

Better Healthcare Payments

The easy and secure way for healthcare companies to make and receive payments.

Contact Us
24x24-Icon-Finance (4)
Streamline payment processes
24x24-Icon-Finance (5)
Reduce reliance on paper systems
Strong-Payment-Solutions (6)
Go digital with integrated solutions
24x24-Icon-Finance (6)
Reduce manual
Patient Refunds
Deliver a better customer experience with an easier refund process. Use payment tools and integrated capabilities to collect payments, issue refunds and identify discrepancies with ease.
Patient Benefits
  • Patients can choose their preferred method of payments
  • With electronic disbursements give your patients faster access to refunds
  • Simple one-time account setup by email or text
Provider Benefits
  • Considerably lower costs compared to traditional checks
  • Save staff time by automating manual refund processes
  • Reduce escheatment processing for unclaimed and uncashed payments
  • Eliminate the need to collect, retain or manage patient payment information
  • Payments are auto-posted and reconciled in the appropriate location
  • Manage from one, simple to use portal
Third-Party Administrators
Streamline back-office operations and processes
Keep your claims system in order
  • Entire cycle management, from first notice to settlement
  • Collect payments more easily and faster
  • Track claims to settle and reconcile
Use a reliable and robust payments platform
  • Use a wide variety of payment methods
  • Integrate seamlessly via API
  • Build custom flows and rules
Streamline your operations
  • Leverage added workflows to adjust to your current process
  • Attach documents for faster resolution and fewer customer inquiries
  • Use data dashboards to drive performance

Why Use Healthcare

Credit-card (13)

Support multiple payment methods

Credit-card (14)

Simplify and expedite reconciliation

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Strong-Payment-Solutions (7)

Track and manage payments in real-time

24x24-Icon-Finance (7)

Increase net new revenue

Credit-card (19)

Scale up payments volume easily

Credit-card (14)

Recover staff

Credit-card (20)

Lower processing and administrative costs

See How It Works

Partner with us for easier payments.

Schedule a call to learn more about Transcard’s healthcare solution.

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